The Timber & Pole Patch
wholesale timber & gumpoles direct to the public.

Wide range of sizes & grades in stock at great prices.

Find the right timber & gumpole for your next DIY project.

We cut, plane, & rip!

We are open: 
Mon – THURS: 7:30– 4:00
Fri: 7:30 – 3:00
Sat: 8:00 – 12:00

tel: 083 592 1427 or
074 582 9047

Shop Timber by Grade

or, Shop Timber by size

Timber terminology

Timber sizes
For example: 1200 x 102 x 19 mm. The first is the length of the plank followed by the bigger size which is the width, followed by the smaller size which is the thickness of the plank.
We can plane your timber to give it a smooth finish either on 1 side or all 4 sides. Cost: 1 side – R6,50 per plank, 4 sides – R12,70 per plank.
Planed timber
Unplaned timber
If you want to get 2 pieces out of one piece of timber we can rip it down the middle on our ripsaw. Cost: R6,50 per rip, per plank.
Painting & stencilling
If you need your pallets painted for easier identification please request a quote as it depends on how much of the pallet you would like painted and the colour you choose.

If you can supply us with a stencil for you pallets all the better – if not we can get them made. The initial cost of a stencil is R450. We charge R2,50 per side to stencil your pallets. This helps with identification and marketing.
A Grade vs B Grade
Our A-Grade timber is square cut – no bark. Our budget-friendly B-Grade timber has some bark on the one side. They both work equally well it all depends on what finish you would like on your pallets.
A Grade timber
B Grade timber
Wet-Off-Saw vs Kiln Dried
Wet Off Saw timber comes off the saw and gets loaded on the truck directly to us. Kiln Dried timber comes off the saw and and goes into a kiln to dry before it gets delivered to us.
Kild Dried timber
Wet off saw timber
Pine vs Saligna
Pine is a softer wood and easy to work with for your DIY needs. Saligna is a harder wood – which can tend to split as the timber is denser – it is however nice to use for picket fencing etc as it lasts longer than Pine outdoors.
Pine timber for sale
Saligna timber for sale
CCA Treated
CCA treatment is when the timber is placed inside a container and pressure treated with a chemical to penetrate the timber, ensuring the longevity of the timber in an outdoor environment.
Heat Treated Timber
The timber is placed inside a kiln to be dried – this prevents mould from growing on the timber and helps prevent warping of the timber. When timber dries naturally it tends to warp if not fixed onto a pallet or frame.
Heat teated timber for export
Tongue & Groove
The timber is fed through a machine which cuts a lip on the one side and a groove on the other side allowing the pieces of timber to slot into one another.
Kiln dried pine timber for sale
Bulk pallet timber
Kiln dried timber for sale
The Market Patch
Watch this space, we will be launching a market at The Timber & Pole Patch in the next few months. If you are interested in booking your space for a stall, please get in touch.
Stalls at The Market Patch
The Market Patch at Patch a Pallet
The Market Patch new premises